Yesterday we got a taste of what to expect in years to come as the injury laden LNXC Freshmen showed off their depth and took second at the Marion County Championships. The Cats were led by Freshman standout Joe Murphy, who placed 4th in a time of 13:33. He was then followed by the daring duo of Jake Hannawalt and Colin Achgill both taking all-conference honors as well. Finishing out the top 5 were Adam Noens and Robel Teklezghi. Congratulations guys! This is just the beginning!
Elsewhere, the Bearcats of Fall Creek Valley (Now the exclusive feeder Middle School to LN) won the Marion County Middle School Championship. Led by the individual champion, Chase LaBonne, the Bearcats won by a stunning 39 pts over a strong New Augusta squad. The Bearcats also boasted the top 7th grade finisher, Jaylen McKay, who finished 7th overall and third for FCV. For more on the Bearcats season visit www.fcvxc.com.
Congratulations are in order for current and future Wildcats alike!
~Coach Mac